In an intriguing short film released in October, Apple highlighted the iPhone 13’s potential. Professional filmmakers demonstrated how to produce handcrafted special effects uniquely, resulting in genuine short films. We dive deep into the box of tricks once more in the new film “Everyday Experiments: Hollywood at Home” and explain significantly how to produce exciting things with modest means – from a car chase to a classic monster assault. The video is embedded down below. The tips and techniques and the possibilities of the iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro are graphically displayed in three chapters. The first section covers remote-controlled automobiles and their pursuit and matching project filters in iMovie on the iPhone 13. After then, stunning sceneries are generated with the assistance of the new movie mode. Interestingly, you don’t have to be a professional filmmaker; all you need is a little imagination and ability. In fact, the mini version of the iPhone 13 is perfect for the Job.