The first to launch personally inspected verified listings in Kenya’s property scene, the firm says the feature aims to protect potential property seekers and as well make the firm extra bucks to get users more leads and faster conversion. Jamie Pujara, the firm’s co-founder and CEO says this is stamp of verification of not only the availability of the property but also the honesty of the seller and buyer. “We follow a careful process to ensure the verification of listings,” Pujara said. ”We hope this will create more trust and lead to more transparency in the market. In addition, because a Verified Listing adds more value for the property seeker, it will win more quality points and get displayed on top of the search result page.” The process is simple. The team checks the authenticity of the documentation, the accuracy of the description and photos and confirms the price and area and features listed within the property. The Verified Listing logo appears on the left corner of the listing. The firm didn’t confirm how much this new feature will cost its customers but promised it will give them a peace of mind that what they see on the website is accurate in terms of information and display. For agencies and brokers who choose to opt for this service, the stamp of verification will build trust between themselves and the property seeker and result in more visibility and ultimately a higher percentage of leads generated. Last week, OLX, a Naspers‘ general classifieds site which has thousands of fishy property listings launched a featured/ premium listing section and banner adds. And Facebook is getting into the game too but this is not a huge challenger as Google tried and shut down its Trader platform but maybe it wasn’t the right time.  Jumia House also has some similar feature but was the first to launch the verified listings featured. The firm launched its premium section last year after it saw demand for users to get more leads than just an online presence. Jamie adds that this latest addition will fulfill its goal of making property search easier and more transparent. guaranteeing authenticity of listings.