It seems the return-to-work policy for technology majors is quite clear – those vaccinated against Coivd-19 will be allowed to return to the offices. Microsoft is the latest tech giant to adopt this approach for its workforce. The company confirmed its decision in a recent statement. It stated that its employees in the US, who are wishing to return to the offices, will have to show proof of vaccination to do so. The new mandate will come into effect starting September. Reopening plans. Other than Microsoft employees, all vendors and guests entering Microsoft’s campus in the US will have to abide by the rule. Only those with a medical condition or other such reason for not getting vaccinated will be exempted from the mandate. In addition to the new directive around proof of vaccination, the company also extended its timeline for the full reopening of its offices. While it earlier planned to do so by September 7, Microsoft will now fully reopen its US offices only after October 4. Parents have also been given special treatment. Microsoft also stated that its employees who are parents to children too young to be vaccinated will be able to work from home until January next year. The same will apply to those taking care of people who are immunosuppressed. The company said in the statement: “As we have done since the beginning of the pandemic, we continue to closely track new developments and adapt our plans as this situation evolves, keeping employee health and safety top of mind,” Microsoft is the latest in line to announce the proof of vaccination as a mandate for its workforce to rejoin offices. Google and Facebook announced the same for their employees late last month. Both the tech giants also extended the expected dates to reopen their offices to the larger workforce. Even though the offices are open for some, the companies have a voluntary work-from-home policy in effect that allows workers to work from their homes or come to the office, as deemed fit. The only requirement for the latter will be proof of vaccination going forward. In its statement, Google cleared that the requirement will only be applicable in areas where Covid-19 vaccines have been widely administered to the public. Just like Microsoft, both Google and Facebook confirmed that the mandate will depend on local regulations and a person’s condition. It will be interesting to see how major companies across the world ask their workforce to rejoin offices after more vaccines are administered. With the new mandate being adopted increasingly, it seems like rejoining offices will be the new motivation for some to get vaccinated against Covid-19.