It’s been a crazy week for WhatsApp since they went ahead to update their privacy policy. There has been a lot of controversial talk riding on what information WhatsApp shares with its parent company Facebook. Well, amidst all the talk, especially on Twitter, the social media has decided to make things clear. “Our privacy policy update does not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family. You can learn more about how we protect your privacy as well as what we do NOT share with Facebook here.”~ WhatsApp In case you’ve not read the whole policy this is what it actually entails: The five things you should remember even when you make plans to leave WhatsApp; WhatsApp also states that the policy update does not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family. Instead, this update includes changes related to messaging a business on WhatsApp. This is is optional, and provides further transparency about how we collect and use data. Some of you might still be skeptical and so are we. We can never really trust everything they tell us but it all seems pretty legit. Our argument is that in as much as people always complain, we are yet to truly see concrete evidence of our data being shared. Never the less, it is important to stay safe and vigilant. You cannot escape social media. If you must tell trade secrets, tell them in person to those that require it.