
For a successful TSC number application, there are a few requirements for you to meet. They include

Certified copies of your primary, secondary and tertiary education. A valid certificate of good conduct. A filled GP 69 medical form that will act as proof of your physical and mental health and ability to be a teacher. Your national identity card (for Kenyan citizens). If you are not a Kenyan citizen, you should have entry and work permits, together with a certificate of clearance from the Ministry of Education vetting committee. Your KRA pin. One current and clear passport sized photo Bank slip.

How to get the bank slip

Before the application, you have to make a bank deposit as follows. If you are a first time TSC number applicant you must deposit a non-refundable fee of Ksh 1055 (Ksh 1000 is the standard registration fee while the Ksh 55 is the bank’s commission charge). If you are applying for a duplicate certificate, the charges are Ksh 2055. You can make these payments through direct banking or via MPESA. The bank details are National Bank of Kenya Account Name: TSC-Secretariat Account Number: 01001005707400 If you choose to pay via MPESA, use the PAYBILL number 625625 and the above account number. Once you have made the payments, take all the above documents, scan and save them in PDF format to upload to the TSC portal during application. Steps to application

Reasons for unsuccessful applications

After following the above steps, you will have to wait at least 30 days to find out whether your application was successful or not. Unfortunately, applications do not always go through as some applicants get negative results after the 1 month wait. Here are a few reasons for failed applications.

Lack of enough academic credentials. Presence of bad conduct or outstanding criminal charges. Medical proof that show the applicant unfit to be a teacher. Submission of false information of any kind.

Most applications however go through. You simply need to be patient and thorough with your application.