What is React? ReactJS is the most popular JavaScript library for making user interfaces specifically for single-page applications. This framework was built by Facebook to quickly create applications with minimal code writing. The ReactJS made for the purpose of the most productive rendering. It differs from other frameworks in that it focuses on the individual components of the project. The product itself can be broken down into smaller components to make it easier to create.

Advantages of ReactJS

  1. Component approach. It is just salvation in some cases. Everything in the user interface is an element and you can make them as small as you want. The component is just a function of JavaScript, that’s how convenient it is. Every good developer knows that small classes, modules are easier to understand, test, and further support. Creating React components is as easy as working with them. Components can be reused, learned from each other, and composed. A component is a so-called building unit with which an interface is created. 2.React Hooks. This is an improved management condition. Until recently, React developers had only two ways to specify a state: to define a local state in a component or to use frameworks that allowed state management. So React introduced its Hooks API in version 16.8. The biggest advantage of Hooks is that they allow you to divide the state logic between components without changing the architecture of the entire block of code. Along with this, Hooks allow you to reuse logic between components without changing its structure. And no less important for developers, Hooky eliminates the need to write a class for each component.    3.Use of a virtual DOM. One of the greatest benefits is the use of virtual DOM. DOM is an object model of the document; it is a logical structure of a file in theformat. The main problem with the traditional design of the DOM is how the ways of changes are processed, the data entered by the user. The server constantly checks for the differences that cause this change to give the required response. React refreshes only the changed parts of the page. 4.Ability to write cross-platform mobile app directly on IOS and Android. The React Native bibliotheca is used for this goal. Now everyone can see it by visiting the page on Facebook or Instagram. 5.Stable code. For stable operation of the code, ReactJS uses a descending data stream. For what? In this case, when the child structure makes some minor changes, it is not reflected in the parent structure. When making changes, the engineer only needs to change the state of the object, and then only certain elements will be updated. This ensures stable code operation.

How to be an Advanced React Developer?

All developers love ReactJS. And not for nothing, because it is the best framework to create Single Page Applications (SPAs). It is extremely flexible and easy to use, because a developer can create an entire website only using it. Here’s what you need to know to be an advanced ReactJS developer:

  1. Use functional components. If you don’t need internal state or lifecycle methods, use functional components instead. Imagine a class-based component that really ought to be a functional component like so now. It’s a pure function that accepts props as this argument and returns an element. The benefits of functional components are:

less code;easier to understand;the component stateless, so you don’t accidentally store state on a component that you shouldn’t;the component is simpler to test;no “this” binding:easier to extract smaller components. 

  1. Keep your component small. Small components are easier:

to read;to test;to maintain;to reuse.

We have a comment component. It contains a comment <div with a user info tip inside of it along with the <div for comment text and comment date. But if you go to use user information throughout your application, you want to extract that into its own components in the case of a functional component then you will neatly tuck the user info component within your common component and wherever else in your application that you will need it. Since you are in the functional component you don’t need dots so they’ll get deleted and if you wanted to make it even more modular you could take certain block of code, make it into his own Avatar component then switch that out and nest the avatar. Now you have your Avatar component within your user component within your common component. They are compact and simple to read, reuse, and maintain. 3. Understand how to handle “this”. Remember tip 1? Since functional components don’t require “this” binding you will want to use them whenever possible but if you are using an ES6 class, you’ll want to bind “this” manually since React doesn’t auto bind the functions within that component. Here are several methods for doing. So one method is to bind in render like so: onClick={this. logMessage.bind(this)} /> This way is succinct, and clear, and works but can cause a slight performance issue because a new function is going to be called every time “this” component re-renders which could be frequently. Another option is to use an arrow function render like so: onClick={() => this.logMessage()} /> This is succinct and clear like method one but like method one it will also create a new function every time this components renders. Another method is to bind in the constructor like so: this.logMassage = this.logMassage.bind(this); This is going to solve the potential performance issues of methods one and two, just don’t forget to call super(props); in the constructor. Another method is to bind in the arrow function of a class property like so: logMessage = () => {                       console.log(this.state.message);                                              } So this is very clean and readable, and it’s going to avoid performance issues of methods one and two and avoids the repetition of method 3. Please, be aware, however that this method does rely on experimental features and it’s not an official part of the ACMA script specification. You can enable experimental language features by installing and configuring the Babel package and apps created by a React app have many features enabled. 4. Use a function in “setState”, not an object. According to the reactDocs, React does not guarantee that state changes are applied immediately. Therefore, reading this state right after calling setState is a potential pitfall because this.state may not actually be what you think it is. Instead of updating state with an object like we see here: this.setState({correctData: !this.state.correctData}); We can update it with a function like so: this.setState((prevState, props) => {                      return {correctData: !prevState.correctData});                                   } The function will receive the previous state as its first arguments and the props at the time the update are applied as its second argument. 5. Utilize prop-types. Prop-types is a library for type checking props and it can help to prevent bugs by ensuring that you are using the right data types for your props. It is an external library so you’re going to want to npm install or however you prefer installing then import the library and add prop-types to the component. Set the data type accordingly and if it’s required add isRequired. import PropTypes from “prop-types”; class Welcome extends Component {                                       render() {                                         return

Hello, {this.props.name}

;                                      }                                   }                                 Welcome.propTypes = {                                        name: PropTypes.stringt.isRequired                                 }       6. Use React Developer Tools. Imagine a web-application built in React. In the React Tab we can view the component hierarchy and if you click on a component than you can view the props as well as the state of that component. So as you can see this is a very valuable and helpful tool to test and debug, and really understand what’s happening with your app.  Skills for advanced ReactJS developer:

full knowledge of JavaScript and HOME, ability to manage the JavaScript model;understanding the principle of operation of React;experience with ReactJS work processes;familiarity with newer specifications of EcmaScrip;experience and understanding of work processes of data structure libraries;knowledge of isomorphic React is a plus;experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel.

So, the more a ReactJS developer knows, the better. It is always necessary to update classes, follow the news. In addition to professional skills, communication is important. The advanced ReactJS developer will find common ground with both the customer and the team of employees.


So, in this article, I described how an advanced ReactJS developer should be. Read the article again and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Remember, you always need to develop and enrich yourself with new knowledge. The field of web design does not stand still and you always need to catch the trend at its peak to have a successful result. A successful result is the goal of the advanced developer ReactJS.