The product was launched on Thursday, 7th March 2019 in Nairobi and has been piloted and is in use at City Shuttle Bus Company. The product is part of Data Integrated Full Public Transport Solution, MobiTill Epesi that aims at streamlining the country transport system. So far the company has developed solutions in Public Transport Operations Management, Fleet Management, Ticketing & Passenger Security System. Company currently providing services to more than 80 Matatu Companies & Saccos and 5 Ferry Services. What problem is it trying to solve? 1)         Traffic jams and congestion at bus stops 2)       Cash Leakages 3)       Organisation & formalization of drivers and conductors 4)       Lack of efficiency and transparency in bus routing management 5)       Tedious manual processes What solution are we providing to the problem? Epesi Trip Planner was developed in a bid to decongest the city, help in better urban planning and increase efficiency and transparency in the running of public transportation. It has the below functions: ü  Control Centre for Bus Company& Regulators ü  Identification and Authentication of Drivers and Conductors ü  Harmonize fare with Routes, Zones, Peak/Off Peak times ü  Central place to view GPS location, revenue, speed & number of trips ü  Manage & Monitor Crew Shifts ü  SMS Alerts enabled to conductors& drivers & bus owners ü  Owners able to access all their transport services in personalized App eg ticketing, scheduling, fleet management, Sacco contributions, Stage fee payments etc. ü  Mobile Application for passengers: App to allow passengers to know the buses available and the estimated time of arrival at the bus stops. ü  Display screens at bus stops Target Market ü  Public Transport Bus Companies and Saccos ü  Urban Transport regulators ü  Commercial vehicles fleet Managers in Companies Business Model: Software as a Service. Each vehicle is charged a monthly fee for maintenance and licensing of their tracking device.  A basic minimum fee applies for set-up of system to Matatu Company/Sacco. How does Epesi Trip Planner sproduct stand out? ü  First System developed by Kenyans that meets local demands & expectations ü  Fully Customizable according to industry needs ü  Tested Locally with Kenyan companies ü  Easy to use features ü  No expensive software to buy and maintain ü  We have the right partners to allow us to scale ü  Affordable & Accessible ü  Top-Class  Customer Support How viable is our innovation? Matatus constitute 80% of the public transport system with a turnover of Kshs73 billion. There are over 1,000 Matatu Saccos and 400 companies. In Nairobi alone there are more than 30,000 Matatus. But reliance on manual systems poses a planning nightmare to both the industry, regulators and passengers. Epesi Trip planner is the first system that looks at addressing these challenges by providing a home-grown solution connecting in a single platform—passengers, bus owners, bus sacco managers, regulators and matatu crew. Promotion & Costings Data Integrated is offering 15 percent discount on all our products. They include: 1)         Sacco Operations Management 2)       Fleet Management 3)       Bus Ticketing 4)       Passenger Security System 5)       Passenger Counting System Scheduling set-up costs per Sacco is 10,000 down from 20,000 until 14th March.