As the epidemic continues in many parts of the world, Cisco’s certification examination rooms in some countries are temporarily closed. It’s good news as well as bad news. The good news is that we have more time to prepare for the exam, but we may not be able to take the exam even though we prepare for it well, for the exam room is closed. So it’s very good for students who don’t have any foundation. If they start to study now, they can take the exam when the epidemic is over! The bad news is that the epidemic is still not over. I hope leaders and people of every country will pay attention to it and fight against the epidemic together! come on! At present, CCIE is the most valuable certification of Cisco. In addition to CCIE, the certification value of CCNP and CCNA is not high! It doesn’t mean that CCNP and CCNA are worthy, but now more and more people are going to take CCIE, which has higher social recognition. We all know that once people get more certifications, the requirements of all enterprises are the same – CCIE is the priority! Of course, if you have a strong academic or technical background, it’s OK not to have a CCIE certificate. The role of the certificate is just as a stepping stone, in order to have the opportunity to interview, so as to have the opportunity to show their technical ability in front of the interviewer!  So far, Cisco’s RS system is replaced by Enterprise Infrastructure. Automation, programming, SDN and other new technologies for network are added on the basis of RS’ s original technology theory, because the development direction of network is to change. If you are only proficient in programming, then you have enough capability to make a huge profit. Why should you learn the network? Network programming knowledge is not much, but certainly the more you learn, the higher salary you get! For CCNP Enterprise, in my opinion, it’s better to lay a good theoretical foundation for RS. after all, the bottom layer still needs these technologies to pave the way. For programming and SDN, you can just have a simple understanding when you learn CCNP – know what they are and understand some of the working principle. When you truly transform the RS technology theory into your own knowledge system, then you can have an in-depth study of SDN and programming. However, don’t be obsessed with new things. If we don’t lay a solid foundation of network knowledge, the lack of it will make the exam difficult to pass. I hope everyone can attach much importance to it, and the learning of CCNP is not easy. The key contents of IE are almost all in CCNP, such as OSPF, BGP, MPLS (some teachers put it in IE stage when teaching), IPsec and some other two-tier technologies, which are all the key points of CCIE lab exam! Of course, in terms of CCNP examination, if you have enrolled in the training class, then there is no need to worry about it at all, for there is a dumps. I suggest that you do the question bank well first, so that you can deepen your knowledge. Our goal is to pass the exam, which definitely is right, but we can’t regard the success of pass the exam as the only aim. Our ultimate goal is to learn something. Don’t always make people feel that you really have memorized the knowledge. If you yourself think so, it’s really nonsense! CCNP examination is not difficult with Spoto. As long as you can do all the questions in the dumps, it is absolutely no problem for you to pass the exam. If the questions are updated, the training institution here will inform you immediately, so you don’t have to worry. Examination is an examination, and learning is learning. So I still hope you can distinguish that our goal is not to pass the CCNP or CCIE examinations, but the real purpose is to put efforts to achieve our own level of CCIE strength or even beyond it in the future for a long period of time. This is the purpose. It’s never too old to learn. That’s what technology is all about!