The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) was allowed to collect over Sh9 billion from Keroche Breweries after winning six appeal cases filed by the firm. In the three appeals before Tax Appeals Tribunal. The contention was in the manufacturing process of Vienna Ice Brand of Vodka. Which the brewer argued that  Ice brand of Vodka was produced by diluting Crescent Vodka, a process that did not amount to manufacturing. Later on, Friday  13th, Keroche Industries through the court secured temporary orders stopping the taxman from recovering Sh9.1 billion in taxes from its accounts. The court certified Keroche’s application as urgent and the brewery was issued with a temporary stay of the tribunals’ order pending the hearing and determination of the application for stay. The court further ordered that Keroche’s application for a stay mentioned yesterday on 16th March 2020. During the mention, KRA requested to be heard in opposition to the application for stay. The  court further made the following orders;