However, it has some limitations that other IM apps don’t have, such as the lack of an Apple Watch app. On Telegram’s app, for example, users can quickly switch between multiple accounts. This feature is not available in WhatsApp, but there is a workaround.  Dual-SIM phones have been available for some time, but for some reason, WhatsApp does not allow account switching on its apps.  Users on iOS can use two accounts thanks to WhatsApp Business, an official business-oriented version of the app. If you’re unfamiliar with this app, it includes all of the features found in the regular version, plus auto-replies and catalogs.  It’s worth noting, however, that if you use this version of WhatsApp, your account will be labeled as a business account. Here is a step by step guide will show you how to use two WhatsApp accounts on an iPhone.

Navigate to the App Store.If you’re already using the regular WhatsApp app, go to the App Store and search for WhatsApp Business.Install the app.If you already have the WhatsApp Business app, go to the App Store and search for WhatsApp.Install the app.At this point, your iPhone will have two WhatsApp apps: the regular one and the Business version.Create a user account on the one you just installed. This allows you to use each WhatsApp app for a different number/account.

A lot of people have two numbers for a variety of reasons. You can now have a dedicated WhatsApp account for it on the same iPhone, whether it’s another number for work or one that you only share with a specific group of people in your life. Learn How to Use Two WhatsApp Accounts on a Single Android Phone. – TechMoran