“More than 8 million of those users are in India, where state governments are employing M-Pesa to pay pensions to rural retirees, eliminating the delays and crime risks that come with shipping cash.” Clifton Leaf FORTUNE editor in chief says, “We’ve identified dozens of companies that are tackling public health, environmental, economic, or other societal challenges as part of their everyday operations. The list, importantly, isn’t about the charity companies give—and, no, we’re not weighing corporations on some omniscient scale of good and bad. Fortune’s Change the World list, rather, is about solving problems through the only sustainable and scalable problem-solving machine we know of: business.” The Change the world list recognizes companies that have had a positive social impact through activities that are part of their core business strategy. Priority is typically given to companies with annual revenues of $1billon or more, while the initial solicitation and assessment of nominees is conducted in partnership with FSG, a nonprofit social-impact consulting firm; the Shared Value Initiative, a global platform for organizations seeking business solutions to social challenges; and Professor Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School. Factirs employed to evaluate and rank the companies in this list are: measurable social impact, profitability and contribution to shareholder value, degree of innovation and corporate integration.