SafeTrade is an online platform that serves as a middleman between sellers and buyers. They make sure that buyers get their desired products before payment, and sellers, after delivering the required products or services are paid in full. They help to satisfy both parties in a sales transactions. Monies are handled through payment gateways Remita and PayStack. Launched on September 1st, the startup is currently self-funded by its small team of 4 members with Eddy G.U as its technical head. SelfTrade as a startup could restore sanity to the sales industry while reenacting the already soured relationship between customers and some merchants, mostly online ones. They would aim to bridge the gap of trust between sellers and buyers. SafeTrade, if well utilized as a platform, would go a long way to redefine (online) trade and keep both parties happy. We would be posting an interview with the founder of SafeTrade soon.