COVID-19 Report will broadcast every weekday on 7 channels as well as on StarTimes ON mobile application in English, Kiswahili, French among other languages. The program aims at ensuring information on the pandemic is more accessible to viewers. StarTimes Daily COVID-19 Report will provide viewers with relevant updates and data about the situation in Africa and across the world. As at now, we have over 428,000 confirmed Coronavirus cases in the world according to The pandemic has recorded over 19,000 deaths since its discovery in December 2019 as well over 109,000 recoveries. Governments and institutions have implemented measures for their citizens globally including social distancing through working from home and sanitizing. The dedicated channel will keep them up to speed with the news on the virus. As well as more measures to stay safe. Speaking on this development. StarTimes Regional Marketing Director Mr Aldrine Nsubuga noted that the program will make sure that the general public gets adequate knowledge about the virus. And give possible ways to triumph over the virus. “We want to give people hope. The public needs to know that the World is united in the fight against the virus and that the fight can be won. The program will also share targeted messages on prevention and experience from various countries. This will enable the public to protect themselves and their families more effectively,” noted Mr Nsubuga. As the situation evolves. StarTimes will further leverage its media platforms to reach the public wherever they are with key messages to fight the virus. Moreover, there will be an additional broadcast of the StarTimes Daily COVID 19 report on the mobile applications. This will ensure the public has access to updated content at their convenience throughout at their convenience.