Telegram returns to the load with a new update, reaching version 8.0 and available both for Android, through the Google Play Store and through a direct update for those who have the independent version of Google Play, as well as for iOS. In this version, Telegram brings us live streams (retransmissions) for groups and channels, which will allow hosting an unlimited number of viewers, or what is the same, is leaving traditional television completely obsolete, also competing in the segment dominated by platforms such as Twitch. How does it work? The popular alternative to WhatsApp points out that to start a live stream, all you have to do is press the option “Videochat” in groups or “Live Stream” on the profile page of the community where you are an administrator. Viewers of the stream will also have the ability to raise their hands and join the broadcast to speak to others if the hosts give them a chance. Without a doubt, it is a more than interesting feature, although as we know, Telegram always usually comes with more news.

Telegram continues to grow in each new version

In this regard, the messaging platform also brings personalization options for message forwarding, being able to even hide senders or change recipients if one has made the wrong chat where to share it. On the other hand, now It also allows chaining channels through which it will no longer be necessary to go to the chat list to go to the next channel that is in the same folder (remember that Telegram introduced the folders last spring), just go back up in a channel already reviewed to access the next according to the order in the folders and in the archived chats. What does it help with? This version also brings improvements to access stickers, on Android it incorporates larger previews, and even if you are looking for a sticker instead of writing a text message, now this action will be notified at the top. Lastly, this version also houses an unread comment counter, and perhaps already a tradition of hosting new animated emojis. And despite the fact that the new version has just been released, Telegram is already working on the next monthly update, which makes it increasingly difficult to surprise us, but surely there will be things that can leave us with our mouths open. It is already a matter of updating Telegram to the new version, which arrives just when it has also just been known that Telegram has just reached 1,000 million downloads worldwide, according to Sensor Tower, in addition to the forecast that Telegram can reach 1 billion active users over the next year.