One of the first things you could do is look for a website that helps you to prepare for the job application process. For a lot of people, it can be tough to go through this process without any external help. It might be your first time applying for a job, for instance,and you haven’t been through the process before. There’s absolutely no shame in looking for a helping hand, and the right website could give you just that. If you do find the right website, they may be able to help you in a variety of different ways. They’ll have some good interview advice on their sites if that’s the process you’re approaching. They might have a list of jobs that are vacant at the moment for you to explore, and could even give you options on how to work from home. Check out Lensa Insights for an example of one of these sites.  I’ve already mentioned it, but I’d strongly recommend making sure you touch up on your interview skills. The majority of jobs out there require their employees to go through some sort of interview process before they are awarded a job, so you’ll need to be able to get through that stage. Not everyone is a naturally strong and confident speaker, but you need to do as best you can. Make sure you project your voice as best you can to whoever is interviewing you, and make sure you sit up straight. Dress smartly too- making a good first impression is vital. If you can nail an interview, it’ll take you a lot closer to getting a job.  Making sure you have a nice, full CV is really important as well. It’s all well and good having a degree from a university or a college, but depending on the job you’re applying for that’s not all an employer will be looking for. They want to see that you are willing to go above and beyond for them- have you done any voluntary work in an area related to your profession? Do you help out in your community? What are your previous jobs, and how will they help you in this new post? These are important things to include if you want a new job.