In addition, it also works well against symptoms of hypothyroidism. Therefore, diet is of significant importance when a person aims to manage weight—taking more nutrients that support thyroid function and refrain from those that can either interfere with thyroid medication or natural thyroid function.

Watchful Foods

As discussed, the intake of certain foods can directly impact thyroid glands, affecting their natural hormonal synthesis. Therefore, this aspect gives you a list of food that a person having under-functioning thyroid glands should avoid.


Goitrogens are compounds that have a great tendency to affect thyroid function. Goitrogens naturally occur in many foods, such as soy-based foods, some cruciferous vegetables, certain starchy fruits, and nuts such as pine nuts. Thus it is crucial to avoid the intake of these foods for optimal thyroid function.


There are some beverages that can potentially irritate thyroid glands, causing them to synthesize hormones insufficiently. Alcohol comes on the top of the list of such beverages. With an underactive thyroid gland, make sure to avoid alcohol intake as it can further deteriorate thyroid function. Americans can find alcohol and other addiction treatments around them. Every state brings you the same facilities with similar quality, so you do not have to move to another state for it. For example, if you are looking for treatment options in California, all you have to do is search a list of nearby rehab centers. Without worrying, you can get treatment in any rehab in California that meets your needs. 

Some Healthy Swaps

Making some simple food swaps can really help out in managing thyroid conditions. It not only helps with improved thyroid function, but it also helps a person feel better. So let us go through some of these recommended food swaps.

1.    For More Iodine

Iodine is one of the key nutrients that is essential for optimal thyroid function. Conversely, iodine deficiency is one of the possible reasons for underactive thyroid functioning. To better source it from the diet; you can look to swap processed wraps with seaweeds. Seafood such as seaweeds makes a great source of iodine. A sheet of seaweed is sufficient to meet the daily iodine requirements and in a more natural way. Other foods that make a rich source of iodine include eggs, fish, and plain yogurt. In addition, also avoid food that can interfere with the normal absorption of iodine.

2.    For More Selenium

Selenium comes next after iodine when it comes to thyroid functioning. In order to better source it from food; you can look to swap nuts such as peanuts and walnuts with those such as Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds. Taking a few Brazil nuts is enough to fulfill the daily requirement of selenium. Peanuts offer a much-reduced amount of selenium as compared with Brazil nuts. Walnuts, on the other hand, do offer selenium, but walnuts can inhibit the absorption of iodine. Therefore, one should avoid intake. Some other great sources of selenium are brown rice, cottage cheese, and shrimps.

3.    To Boost Vitamin A

Look out for veggies that are rich in Vitamin A. Sourcing vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A in comparison to those that are rich in fiber can make a difference. Veggies make an excellent source of fiber and many essential nutrients, including vitamin A. Fiber can interfere with the absorption of thyroid medication, and hence experts recommend taking no more than five ounces of veggies. In order to source Vitamin A, carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes make an excellent source.

4.    To Increase Zinc

In order to better acquire zinc from food, look to swap white pasta and bread with whole grains. Zinc is again an essential nutrient that supports the optimal functioning of the thyroid gland. Using whole varieties of wheat and brown rice makes a great source of zinc. In addition to it, you can also acquire an abundant amount of zinc from seafood. Shellfish, oysters, and lobsters are rich in zinc.

5.    To Avoid Inflammation

With hypothyroidism, a person is more likely to get thyroid inflammation with the intake of certain foods such as butter. Butter and other saturated fatty acids can potentially cause inflammation. Therefore, you can look to swap it with olive oil. In addition, sugary beverages such as soda drinks, energy drinks, and juices can cause inflammation and cause weight gain. High sugar content in such beverages makes it inflammatory for underactive thyroid glands. Therefore one should avoid it and swap it with plain water. Inflammation can potentially damage thyroid muscles and can further affect its ability to produce hormones.

6.    To Control Cholesterol

A person’s risk for cardiovascular problems such as cholesterol increases greatly with hypothyroidism. In addition, a person is more likely to deal with weight problems. To address this problem, you should look to swap fatty meat such as beef and organ meat with lean protein. Chicken, turkey, and fish make a great source of lean proteins. Lean proteins make a great source of protein. Furthermore, it plays a helpful role in keeping in control of blood cholesterol levels. Taking lean protein also allows you to get more hold of overweight management.  

7.    Swap Larger Meals With Smaller

Your natural metabolism declines greatly with hypothyroidism. It affects your natural ability to process food and get energy. In order to deal with this problem, you can look to swap larger three meals with smaller five meals. It allows you to better process ingested food and gets more hold the overweight gain.

Take Away

Some simple swaps in routine food allow one to better understand and make healthy adjustments in diet. These swaps allow you to address various outcomes of hypothyroidism individually and in a much appropriate way.