Prior to his official takeover, Musk had second thoughts about purchasing the business because he thought Twitter and its former CEO Parag Agrawal had lied about the presence of spam accounts on the platform. The Tesla CEO disagreed with Twitter’s claim that spam accounts make up close to 5% of all users on the platform. Even some experts claim that spam accounts on Twitter are more prevalent and likely made up 17% of all users. According to Musk, users might notice a decline in followers as the company takes action against spam and scam accounts. Twitter had approximately 238 million mDAU in Q2 2022, but Musk says the firm is experiencing huge growth without providing a specific figure. Additionally, he has not provided any information regarding the platform’s estimated number of spam profiles or how these accounts are identified and removed. Twitter is not the only site with the spam profile issue; Instagram and Facebook also suffer from it. Frequently, famous people and content creators lament a sudden decline in their following. The suspension of spam accounts, according to social media corporations, is frequently cited as the cause of the reduction. Musk also made it clear earlier this week that Twitter will not be removed from the iOS section of the Apple App Store. He wrote in a tweet: “a good discussion. We cleared up some misunderstandings, including the probable removal of Twitter from the App Store. Tim was adamant that Apple had never given the idea any thought.” He had asserted that Apple had ceased running ads on the website and had threatened to delist Twitter from the App Store. Additionally, he charged that the Apple App Store’s 30% fee was a kind of developer theft and that the iPhone manufacturer as opposed to free speech.

Twitter Users Will See A Decline in Followers  According to Elon Musk - 88