It is possible to Charge using 240W USB-C Cables.

The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) has distributed new particulars for the USB-C configuration. Notwithstanding numerous more modest specialized developments, the power supply ought to be quite compelling to the buyers involved. Here, up to 240 watts can be achieved using corresponding cables. This implies a giant leap upwards, yet with now accessible cables, the finish of the flagpole is now at 100 watts. With “Expanded Power Range,” it will be a lot simpler, later on, to supply a notebook, a cell phone, or a screen with more power through USB-C. Corresponding cables ought to be set apart with the abbreviation EPR. The most extreme link length is 2 m. Especially with power-hungry notebooks, batteries should be noticeably faster to charge than before. For mobile phones, the current limit of 100 watts is not yet exhausted. However, this could change in the next few years – and the smartphone is fully operational again after just a few minutes if the battery plays along.

USB-C: 240W not enough for gaming PCs

With gaming PCs under full load, 240 watts may not be enough. Even some laser printers cannot be satisfied with less in operation. For monitors and gaming notebooks, the 240 watts could be sufficient in the future. The Omen notebook from HP with a 17-inch display comes here, for example, to a value of up to 230 watts, and the UltraSharp monitor from Dell, which offers a 4K resolution at 32 inches image diagonal.