This COVID-19 period has been an interesting time for everyone. For starters, a lot of people had to transition to working from home and companies had to invest in video conferencing platforms however several companies are working from the office again and of course platforms like zoom need to figure out how they can still maintain their clientele. The new features include a virtual receptionist greet you from a Zoom Rooms for Touch device and Neat Sense will enable users to monitor and manage the air quality and humidity in the room. Other features include being able to check how many people are in a room, the ability to pair a Zoom Room with your mobile and sharing a whiteboard on Zoom Chat. How will it help? While many people have gone back to working from the office, there are also a number of employees who will be working in shifts, this means that the collaboration between the people working from home and working from the office needs to be seamless. The idea is that the work environment will switch to hybrid working which will include a feature that will allow users to see how many people are in a room in real time, using the Zoom Dashboard and Scheduling Display. This can help users ensure that social distancing protocols are being followed and meeting spaces are not overcrowded. There will be useful data available. As an additional and very impressive additional feature, Zoom will be using Neat Sense which will monitor and manage air quality, humidity, carbon dioxide levels and the number of people in the room. This will be available from February 11th. What about people at home? Zoom users who’ll be working from home will be able to join sessions that have been scheduled on the user’s calendar. IT managers will also have the freedom to allow or restrict users from signing into zoom on self-managed Zoom for home devices. Basically Zoom has improved their product and ensuring that they manage to stay relevant even as people transition back to the office.